Znanost in geografija > Družbene vede, geografija, okolje, načrtovanje > Environment > Jedrska vprašanja >

Knjige iz kategorije Jedrska vprašanja

Limits for the Intake of Radionuclides by Workers. Supplement to Part 2: Limits for Intake of Radionuclides by Workers, Supplement to Part 2


Cena: 184.31 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Principles of Monitoring for the Radiation Protection of the Public: Principles of Monitoring for the Radiation Protection of the Public


Cena: 46.40 EUR 44.79 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

ICRP Publication 56 Part 1: Age-Dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides


Cena: 61.19 EUR 58.55 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Principles for Intervention for Protection of the Public in a Radiological Emergency: Principles for Intervention for Protection of the Public in a Radiological Emergency


Cena: 100.68 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

ICRP Publication 64: Protection from Potential Exposure: A Conceptual Framework


Cena: 156.55 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

ICRP Publication 74: Conversion Coefficients for use in Radiological Protection against External Radiation


Cena: 200.76 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

ICRP Publication 78: Individual Monitoring for Internal Exposure of Workers


Cena: 184.43 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste


Cena: 170.17 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

The 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident: How and Why It Happened


Cena: 173.11 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Nuclear Power


Cena: 40.78 EUR 38.49 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Technologically Enhanced Natural Radiation


Cena: 179.95 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Environmental Assessment and Management in the Food Industry


Cena: 202.02 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Social and Ethical Aspects of Radiation Risk Management: Volume 19


Cena: 169.39 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Radionuclide Behaviour in the Natural Environment: Science, Implications and Lessons for the Nuclear industry


Cena: 301.35 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Marine Environmental Radioactivity Surveys at Nuclear Submarine Berths 2007

Cena: 85.66 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Environmental Radioactivity from Natural, Industrial & Military Sources: From Natural, Industrial and Military Sources: From Natural, Industrial and Military Sources


Cena: 157.50 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Landslide Hazards, Risks and Disasters


Cena: 102.14 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Fukushima Accident: Radioactivity Impact on the Environment


Cena: 139.69 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Sustainable Economic Development: Resources, Environment, and Institutions


Cena: 89.57 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Japan's Quest for Nuclear Energy and the Price It Paid: Accidents, Consequences, and Lessons Learned for the Global Nuclear Industry


Cena: 199.51 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti